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5 Minutes Or Less To Clean Your Oven!
Cleaning your oven is probably your least favourite chore. . and for good reason! After all. . who will notice? It’s hidden away and only you’ll know right?
However when the time comes to clean it, you are greeted with horror! The oven, once sparkling and clean, is now reminiscent of a bomb crater, completed with charred ruins
So, is it time to reach for the expensive chemicals? Or, is there a better way? Follow our guide and it will take 5 minutes or less to clean your oven! Maybe you can’t afford to hire an oven cleaning expert, however you can learn from one!
1. Is your oven turned off? Make sure that it is both cool, and turned off! The first thing to do is remove any excess dirt or food by wiping the oven racks.
2. Now, create your own oven cleaning solution by mixing baking soda and water, they are simple and very powerful. To do a really great job, you’ll need baking soda, water, white vinegar, a damp clean cloth, some rubber gloves, and a spray bottle to combine your solution.
Ammonia can be used to replace baking soda when none is available.
Now get a small bowl, combine 1/2 a cup of baking soda with a little water until you a pasty consistency.
3. Next spread the oven surface with the new paste, it could smell so use gloves and a mask if necessary.Expect the newly applied paste to be both a horrible brown colour, and a strong smell, however don’t let that deter you, apply it everywhere, including the door.
4. Allow it to get to work overnight
This is the only part of the process that takes longer than 5 minutes! That’s because you don’t have to do anything here, simply let the solution work it’s miracles. If you don’t rest easy, you could clean the racks by hand.
5. Wipe over the surface
After letting it work overnight, use the damp cloth to wipe off the hard working solution that you applied the night before. You can use a spatula or other instrument to scrape off any Klingons( cling ons!) .
6. Put the vinegar to work!
Place some vinegar into the spray bottle that you set aside, and use it everywhere on the inside of the oven, so that odours and dull finish will be just a thing of the past, it will also add an extra layer to your cleaning. Be aware that vinegar and baking soda will foam, don’t stress this is a normal chemical reaction, and not dangerous!
7. Give the oven a final wipe
Using a clean damp cloth, give the oven a final once over, ensuring that you have removed every last crumb, paste, or smear. If you want, give it just a little more vinegar spray.
8. Put the Oven racks back!
So, the cleaning is done! You have removed all of the last bits of food and residue put your amazing cleaning paste to use, and wiped up the mess. Now, it is time to put the racks back, your job is done.
How Much Does It Cost For Someone Else To Do It?
If you are simply too busy, you might want to hire someone to do it, but how much will it cost?
Hiring someone who actually does a good job could cost up to $100, so if your budget doesn’t allow, try our 5 minutes or less to clean your oven.
Now, you can get back to much more important things, such as cleaning your windows! Only kidding! We are already doing that for you! Anyway, now that you know how quick it is to clean your oven, time to get cracking!